Geothermal heat pumps

Technology harnesses heating and cooling powers of the earth.

What are geothermal heat pumps?

Winter heating — Geothermal heat pumps extract heat from stable earth temperatures, moving it indoors to keep you warm.

There are few things as consistent as what’s happening just below the surface of the earth—especially when it comes to keeping a constant temperature.

Geothermal heat pumps (GHPs) use this consistency to your advantage, by drawing natural heating and cooling directly from the earth.

Benefits of geothermal heat pumps

Summer cooling — The opposite happens in the summer, with your geothermal heat pump moving heat and humidity out of your home.

Like all heat pumps, the benefits of GHPs are:

  • Safe and Clean—The United States Department of Energy claims that a geothermal heat pump is the cleanest, safest, and most environmentally friendly heating and cooling system available today.
  • Economy—Ongoing economical heating and cooling, relying on the earth’s natural temperature
  • Efficiency—Geothermal heat pumps deliver as much as six times as much heat per unit of energy used, which can lower your annual heating and cooling costs by up to 70%.

How do they work?

Heat pumps move heat, rather than create heat, which means they take less energy and provide higher efficiency.

Because the earth stays consistently warm below the surface, geothermal heat pumps specifically take advantage of this consistency by drawing this free heat into your home or business. During the summer heat from your interior space is transferred out and released into the ground.

Related programs

Residential Business

Heat pump rebates

Install the most efficient and environmentally friendly heating and cooling system on the market and start saving big!

Learn more about:

Inflation Reduction Act

Federal tax credits and rebates are available for energy-efficient technologies.