If you manage bills for several electric service accounts and don’t want to manage them through electronic bill pay, consider our Summary Billing program instead.
We'll compile all your information into one billing statement that includes usage data and energy costs for all your accounts and business locations. You pay all your accounts at one time.
For assistance with enrollment, please gather your account numbers and contact our Customer Service Center or call 800-257-4044.
Frequently asked questions
- There's no limit to the number of accounts you can combine. Your Summary Billing statement reflects the total due for all accounts.
- You'll need to send each individual bill stub with the amount you want to pay for each account. Because processing Summary Billing accounts individually is costly, we may remove your accounts from Summary Billing if this becomes a reoccurring issue.
- You'll need to send an individual bill stub for each account and note how you want the extra payment distributed. Because processing Summary Billing accounts individually is costly, we may remove your accounts from Summary Billing if this becomes a reoccurring issue.
- No. If you wish to use electronic bill pay, we recommend creating a login using the button above and adding all your accounts. Managing your accounts from our My Account portal is easy. You'll be able to use a single username and password to access your accounts. Plus, there are a variety of payment options to choose from.