We value the relationships we have with our contractors. When it comes to external support, our contractors are extensions of our team. We evaluate our contractors based on quality, experience, cost, safety performance, adherence to cybersecurity requirements, and other applicable business criteria. Our goal is to increase our awareness of diverse suppliers in our geographic region and track our spend by supplier diversity business classifications.
We expect contractors to abide by:
Contractors must conform to applicable governmental permits, cybersecurity standards, applicable safety standards, licenses, and laws, meet or exceed all OSHA requirements, and meet or exceed all reporting requirements for the accidental release of hazardous materials.
To learn more about providing goods or services to Otter Tail Power Company, email [email protected].
We're seeking proposals to comply with Minnesota House File 2310 as signed into law on May 24, 2023. This legislation amended Minn. Stat. § 216B.1691 to add 216B.1691(2)(h), establishing a distributed solar energy standard (DSES) for us and other investor-owned utilities in Minnesota. The DSES goal is for investor-owned utilities to serve approximately 1% of their retail electric customer energy requirements from distributed solar by the end of 2030.
We're seeking solar projects greater than 1 megawatt (MW) and equal to or less than 10 MW in size to reach this goal. As required by statute, the DSES capacity must achieve commercial operation by December 31, 2030. Projects being proposed must be located within our Minnesota service area.
For questions and to submit proposals, email [email protected].