Do I have to pay a security deposit when I set up new electric service?
If you're a new customer or previous customer with a good credit history with us, you don't have to pay a security deposit. A good credit history includes:
- Fewer than three disconnection notices.
- No service disconnections for unpaid bills within the last 12 months.
If you request new service but owe us money on a previous balance, you'll need to pay that balance. And we may require you to pay a deposit before you can get service. If we do require a deposit, we'll base it on two months of your average bills.
If I have to pay a deposit, will I receive interest on it?
Yes, your deposit earns interest. Below are the interest rates for each state we serve.
- Minnesota: 4.40%, based on the average yield of one-year United States Treasury securities adjusted for constant maturity for the last full week in November.
- North Dakota: 2.45%, determined by the rate paid by the Bank of North Dakota on a six-month certificate of deposit as of the first business day of each year.
- South Dakota: 7.00%, per South Dakota rule.