Submit My Meter Reading

To submit your monthly meter reading, please log in to our My Account portal above and use the Customer Self Service form under Profile or click the Submit Meter Reading icon from the landing page.

Submit my meter reading

How to read your meter 

Electric meters measure the amount of electricity delivered to a home or building. Meters are read either manually (by an Otter Tail Power employee or contracted meter reader), or automatically (through Advanced Metering Infrastructure). In both cases, your usage is recorded and used for billing purposes. For information on how to read your meter, see the Meters section below.  

If you have questions about your meter, please call us at 800-257-4044 or 218-739-8877. We’re happy to help! 


Some electric meters have multiple dials, each with a pointer and the numerals 0 to 9. Below is an example of a five-dial electric meter. Notice that the pointers on the first, third, and fifth dials move clockwise. The second and fourth pointers move counter clockwise.

Here's how to read a dial meter:

  • Stand directly in front of the meter so that you clearly can see the location of each pointer.
  • If the pointer is between two numbers, read the lower number.
  • If the pointer is between 9 and 0, read 9.
  • If the pointer appears to be exactly on a number, read the next lower number unless the pointer on the dial to your right has passed zero. You must read the dial on the far right independently.
  • Each meter is numbered. Note your meter number.

Let's read this sample electric meter

  • Start on the far right. The pointer on the far right is directly on 5. Read it as 5.
  • The next pointer has just passed 9 and is between 9 and 0. Read it as 9.
  • The next pointer has passed 8 and is between 8 and 9. Read the smaller number: 8.
  • The pointer on the next dial is directly on the 4 but, because the dial to the right has not passed zero, read this dial as 3.
  • The pointer on the far-left dial is between 8 and 9. Read the smaller number: 8.

Current reading


Minus last reading

- 83770

Electricity use

= 125

The difference of 125 kilowatt-hours is the amount of electricity used since the last reading.

Some meters have a constant or multiplier, which is shown on the nameplate. If so, the reading on the meter may be 1/40 or 1/10 of the energy used. In this case, to determine actual use multiply the electricity used by this constant.

An advanced meter captures and reports electricity use. It provides real-time information via a secure wireless communications network, allowing for two-way communication between the device and our company. While your bill displays your monthly electric use, an advanced meter displays total electricity use since installation within the DEL meter display. 

Reading your advanced meter

An advanced meter has three main components:  

1. Display identifier
2. Meter display segment
3. Meter number


It cycles through the following displays: 

Display identifier  

Meter display segment 


* * * 

Display elements check.  



Network connectivity check.  


_ _ 

Meter position of internal disconnect. The display segment reads open (OPN) or closed (CLS). 


###### kWh 

Total energy delivered since the meter was installed.  


###.### kW 

Daily maximum energy delivered. 


###### kVARh 

Total reactive energy delivered since the meter was installed.  


###.### kVAR 

Daily reactive demand delivered. 


  • kWh: Kilowatt-hours 
  • kW: Kilowatt 
  • kVARh: Kilovolt-amperes reactive hours
  • kVAR: Kilovolt-amperes reactive  
  • Demand: The total amount of energy consumed at any given time. 
  • Reactive energy: Used to maintain voltage on the energy grid. We use this measurement for data validation. 
  • Reactive demand: The amount of reactive energy required to meet your energy demand.