November 22, 2016

Indian Health Service Will Save $25,500 Annually With New Conservation Strategies

Cass Lake Indian Health Service received a $22,800 rebate for using Otter Tail Power Company’s Commercial Design Assistance (CDA) program to implement energy conservation strategies. The CDA program is an integrated process that puts energy efficiency at the forefront for new construction and remodeling projects.

The conservation tactics Cass Lake Indian Health Service (IHS) implemented will provide an estimated energy cost savings of $25,500 annually, resulting in a project payback of approximately 10 ½ years. “The most effective strategy for this project was lighting,” said Otter Tail Power Company Energy Management Representative Roger Garton. “In addition to energy-efficient LED lamps, the design included daylight sensors and occupancy sensors, allowing customized lighting levels and the ability to automatically shut off lights in unoccupied areas.”

Other energy-saving measures included a high-efficiency boiler for building heat, a hybrid chiller for the cooling system, carbon dioxide control of make-up air in the ventilation system, and a lighting schedule that controls whether lights are on or off at pre-set times of day.

The 28,000-square-foot addition and 6,000-square-foot remodel was completed this year. “The CDA program was easy,” said IHS Facility Manager Matthew Ireland. “The new space is serving our patients and staff well—it’s both aesthetically pleasing and energy efficient.”

Otter Tail Power Company’s Minnesota Conservation Improvement Program provides rebates, grants, education, special programs, and financing to encourage individuals and businesses to use electricity wisely. Learn more about this program on our Ways To Save page. 

Photo caption: Cass Lake Hospital Facility Manager Matthew Ireland accepts a $22,800 rebate check from Otter Tail Power Company Energy Management Representative Roger Garton in front of the remodeled facility.