August 02, 2018

Lake Benton Resort Receives Rebate From Otter Tail Power Company

Completes Upgrade To Energy-saving Led Lighting

With the help of rebates from Otter Tail Power Company, Lake Benton Resort recently completed an energy efficient lighting retrofit project.

The lighting retrofit project, completed by Thomas Electric, consisted of replacing approximately 345 interior and exterior resort lights with light-emitting diode (LED) technology. Compared to other available lighting sources, LEDs are more energy efficient, using about 70 percent less energy than high-intensity discharge (HID) lighting. LEDs also have longer lives—lasting four to five times longer than HIDs—resulting in increased reliability and reduced maintenance costs.

Projected savings are more than 30,000 kilowatt-hours annually. “This project is a great example of capitalizing on an energy efficiency opportunity to significantly reduce overall energy expense,” said Otter Tail Power Company Energy Management Representative Lori Moxness. “With our company’s $17,000 rebate, we project a two-year simple payback on this lighting project.”

Otter Tail Power Company provides rebates, grants, education, special programs, and financing to encourage individuals and businesses to use electricity wisely. To learn more about recommissioning, LED lighting rebates, or other energy-saving options, visit

Photo caption: Moxness (far left) along with Otter Tail Power Company Service Representative Greg Nelson (left) present a rebate check to Lake Benton Resort co-owners Lisa and Lonnie Willert and Matt Eickhoff for their recently completed lighting retrofit project. Not pictured is resort co-owner Kristi Eickhoff.