December 23, 2020

Otter Tail Power Company Helps Fulfill Holiday Wishes

It’s beautiful to see communities coming together in times of need, especially during the holidays. With employees and customers who live, work, and play in this community, and those around us, Otter Tail Power Company is helping spread the joy this season. 

“With social distancing, masked smiles, and cancelled events, many of us are missing some of the familiar parts of our communities that we knew before the pandemic,” said Otter Tail Power Company Director of Communications Stephanie Hoff. “Though it may be more difficult to see our communities as we know them right now, we still are doing what we can to make sure everyone has opportunity to experience the joy of the holidays.”

Over the past several weeks, Otter Tail Power Company focused on bringing light to life through a series of fun and impactful challenges. This week the company issued a No Gift Left Behind challenge to its employees as part of its #BringLightToLife initiative. And employees stepped up in a big way. “Our employees reached out to organizations across the 422 communities we serve to find as many remaining gift tags on as many remaining gift trees as they could. Our goal was to ensure ‘no gift left behind,’” said Hoff. “We were able to donate more than $15,000 to help fulfill holiday wishes for families in need.”

In the midst of the holidays, the company is emphasizing gratitude and providing a reminder to reflect on things—big and small—to be thankful for. Otter Tail Power Company’s week-seven challenge invites individuals to make sure the people in their lives know exactly how much they mean to them by making a phone call, sending a text or card in the mail, or sharing a gift or gesture to show appreciation. 

As 2020 comes to a close, the company encourages everyone to keep doing all they can to bring light to life—for each other and their communities. 

You can find more information and past weekly challenges at and on Otter Tail Power Company’s Facebook and LinkedIn pages.

“Happy Holidays from Otter Tail Power Company!" said Hoff. “May the coming year bring you peace, light, and happiness.”