November 04, 2019

Otter Tail Power Company Launches New Sustainability Website

Otter Tail Power Company's new sustainability website,, is live. This interactive and mobile-friendly site is a one-stop shop for the whats, whens, and whys driving the company’s sustainability. It supplements its customer-focused website,

The purpose of sustainability reporting is to illustrate a company’s commitment to the environment, economy, and communities it serves and its governance practices.

"Every day we work to ensure we can continue to supply our customers with an essential service," said Otter Tail Power Company President Tim Rogelstad. "It’s important that our customers, communities, and investors understand all that goes into that—from our planning process for generation resources 5, 10, even 15 years from now to the many ways our company and our employees are active in communities and passionate about improving the places they call home. Transparency is important to our company and to our industry. The new website aids in that transparency."

One segment of the website highlights the company’s commitment to low-cost, reliable, and increasingly clean generation resources. “We project that by 2022 our customers will receive 30 percent of their energy from renewable resources and our carbon emissions will be at least 30 percent below 2005 levels—all while keeping our average residential rates nearly 30 percent below the national average,” said Rogelstad.

The site is divided into six main categories: Energy & Technology, Environment, Community, Economy, About Us, and For Investors. The content follows the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, as did the company’s previous sustainability reports.

"Within the website, you'll find a clear picture of the responsible ways in which we meet diverse needs,” said Otter Tail Power Company Public Relations Director Stephanie Hoff. “The balanced approach we take is testament to our long-standing dedication to improving the quality of life in the areas in which we do business. Sustainability is embedded in our work—particularly our commitment to strong corporate citizenship. The success of our communities means the success of our company. That’s our passion and what drives us.”