Public Safety Information

To report a safety hazard, such as a downed power line or nonworking streetlight, give us a call at 800-257-4044 or 218-739-8877.

Be sure to stay as far away as possible from any downed power lines, and never try to remove a downed line yourself. Immediately contact us or call 911.

Be smart when it comes to trees and power lines

Contact with power lines can cause fires, electric arcing, power outages, serious and fatal injuries, and more.

Overhead line safety tips

  • Plant trees away from power lines.
  • Stay as far away as possible from trees that are near, or have fallen into, power lines.
  • Teach your children to look up for dangerous power lines and explain why they shouldn’t climb trees near power lines.
  • Call a professional to trim or cut down trees that could come in contact with power lines.
  • If you must get out of your vehicle due to a fire or other emergency, jump clear of the equipment with both feet together. Don't touch anything as you may become the path to ground. Hop with both feet together to get away.
  • Report potentially hazardous situations to your utility provider or emergency personnel immediately so that professionals can safely assess and handle the situation.

Outdoor lighting

Brighten up your nights

Improve safety and find more enjoyment in your evenings—and early mornings—with outdoor lighting! Choose from several available fixture options offering a range of illumination levels, wattages, and costs.

For a low monthly fee, we'll:

  • Install security lighting in your yard or lot.
  • Provide electricity to power the light.
  • Maintain the light.

To get an outdoor light in your yard or lot contact our Customer Service Center or call 800-257-4044.

You can submit non-emergency streetlight or security light repair requests on our Contact Us page.

More safety topics to explore