Rates, Rules, and Regulations

Detailed information about rate options and associated charges. The South Dakota Energy Adjustment and riders include additional charges you may notice on your bill.

Electric Service Effective Date
Index and General rules and regulations 06/01/2024


9.01 Residential Service 08/01/2019
9.02 Residential Demand Control Service 08/01/2019
9.03 Farm Service 08/01/2019
9.04 Reserved for Future Use 04/01/2022



10.01 Small General Service 08/01/2019
10.02 General Service 12/01/2022
10.03 General Service - Time of Use 12/01/2022
       Time of Use period chart  
10.04 Large General Service 08/01/2019
10.05 Large General Service - Time of Day 08/01/2019
       Time of Day period chart  
10.06 Super Large General Service 08/01/2019



11.01 Standby Service 08/01/2019
Time of Day Period Chart
11.02 Irrigation Service 08/01/2019
  Time of Use Period Chart  
11.03 Outdoor Lighting - Energy Only 08/01/2019
11.04 Outdoor Lighting (CLOSED) 08/01/2019
11.05 Municipal Pumping Service 08/01/2019
11.06 Civil Defense - Fire Sirens 08/01/2019
11.07 LED Street and Area Lighting 05/01/2021



12.00 Power Producer Riders - Availability Matrix 04/01/2022
12.01 Small Power Producer Rider 
- Occasional Delivery Energy Service
12.02 Small Power Producer Rider 
- Time of Delivery Energy Service
12.03 Small Power Producer Rider
- Dependable Service



13.00 Mandatory Riders - Applicability Matrix 06/01/2024
13.01 Energy Adjustment Rider 01/01/2023
13.02 Reserved for future use 08/01/2019
13.03 Reserved for future use 08/01/2019
13.04 Energy Efficiency Partnership (EEP) Cost Recovery Rider 07/01/2024
13.05 Transmission Cost Recovery Rider 03/01/2024
13.06 Reserved for Future Use 08/01/2019
13.07 Reserved for Future Use 08/01/2019
13.08 Environmental Cost Recovery Rider 08/01/2019
13.09 Phase-In Rider 09/01/2023



14.00 Voluntary Riders - Availability Matrix 06/012024
14.01 Water Heating Control Rider 08/01/2019
14.02 Real Time Pricing Rider 12/01/2023
14.03 Large General Service Rider 10/01/2023
14.04 Controlled Service 
- Interruptible Load CT Metering Rider (Large Dual Fuel)
14.05 Controlled Service 
- Interruptible Load Self-contained Metering Rider (Small Dual Fuel)
14.06 Controlled Service
-Deferred Load Rider (Thermal storage)
14.07 Fixed Time of Service Rider 08/01/2019
14.08 Air Conditioning Control Rider (CoolSavings) 08/01/2019
14.09 Renewable Energy Rider (TailWinds)


14.10 Reserved For Future Use 08/01/2019
14.11 Reserved For Future Use 08/01/2019
14.12 Bulk Interruptible Service 08/01/2019
14.13 Economic Development Rate Rider  08/01/2019
14.14 My Renewable Energy Credits (My RECs) Rider  06/01/2024



15.00 Communities served 08/01/2019



16.00 Contracts with Deviations 08/01/2019