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Water Heating calculator

Find potential and approximate energy savings.

Calculate and compare water heating costs

Better understand your water heating costs and options with this simple-to-use energy calculator. This tool will calculate your Btu requirements and the estimated operating costs to heat water on an off-peak electric rate.

To use this calculator you'll need to know:

  • The type of fuel you currently use
  • The price of that fuel

NOTE: If you don't heat your home with electricity, it applies the Controlled Service Water Heating Rate for your state. If you do heat your home with electricity, it applies the small Dual Fuel Rate for your state. Rate calculations include rates, adjustments, and riders effective October 2022.


Water Heating calculator

Current fuel used to heat your water:
Do you have electric heat in your house?
How many people are in your household?
Is your water use high, medium, or low?
State you live in:



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