Residential Demand Control

Get a rate that's about 25% lower with our RDC Rate.

Get rewarded with a lower rate!

Partner with us to manage energy-system peaks and get a rate that’s about 25% lower than standard for all the energy you use with our Residential Demand Control (RDC) Rate.

A typical customer on our RDC Rate saves around $300 a year on energy costs. It's a great option for those who use electricity for home heating or who have higher-than-average electricity use.

How it works

  • An electrician will wire your UL-approved qualified demand controller to your electric service panel, which will connect to a radio receiver. You'll use it to set your preferred demand level.
  • During peak energy demand events, we’ll manage your electric load to meet your chosen demand setting. Typically, your electric heat, water heater, and clothes dryer are managed automatically.
  • If during a control event, household demand is still above your chosen demand setting, the controller will signal you to shut off other appliances, such as extra lights, your stove, and television. The signal will stop when your demand setting is reached. 
  • Once the peak demand event has passed, a final signal is sent, allowing all connected loads to return to normal use.

Eligibility and details

To be eligible for our Residential Demand Control Rate, you must be a residential customer and have a UL-approved demand-control system.

This discounted rate applies to lighting, heating and cooling, water heating, cooking, refrigeration, air conditioning, and all other general uses of electricity.

Demand charges are based on your highest one-hour winter-season demand reading during a control period over the past 12 months. Service may be controlled up to 14 hours a day.

Rebates are available

RDC Rate customers are eligible for a number of heating and cooling rebates. Learn more by reviewing the programs below.

Enroll in our RDC Rate

If you're ready to start saving on heating and cooling costs, sign up for our Residential Demand Control Rate today. Contact our Customer Service Center or call 800-257-4044 during business hours to enroll!

Current rates for your state

View the full rate language for your state in our Pricing section.

Related programs

Residential Business


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Install the most efficient and environmentally friendly heating and cooling system on the market and start saving big!

Thermal-storage systems

Add a thermal-storage system to a new building or upgrade an existing system and get up to $75 per kilowatt in rebates.