Get great rates and save money with off-peak water heating.
By choosing to use a controlled water heating service, you're helping us keep energy prices as low as possible while also benefiting yourself! We offer two ways to save big on your water heating costs when you choose a Controlled Service Water Heating Rate:
During peak energy periods, we control energy to your water heater. Once a peak period has passed, it returns to normal operation.
Water heating credit
Controlled Service Water Heater Rate
Those with qualified off-peak heating systems also have the option to add electric water heaters to their existing off-peak heating service panels to receive price discounts provided by our Deferred Load, Dual Fuel, or Residential Demand Control Rates.
We may control service for a maximum of 14 hours a day, though we do include recovery periods whenever possible during longer control events.
Rebates are available for installation of qualified electric water heaters.
If you're ready to start saving on water heating costs, sign up for our Controlled Service Water Heater Rate or water heating credit. Contact our Customer Service Center or call 800-257-4044 during business hours to enroll!
View the full rate language for your state in our Pricing section.
Rebates are available for several electric-heating technologies.
Get up to $400 back with the purchase of a qualifying water heater and enrollment in an off-peak service.
Rebates are available for an electric panel upgrade.